ESRA Magazine
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A Tribute to The Queen

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Kalia - the Lowest You Can Get Gallery

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Keeping hat on proud motoring heritage


The Brooklands Museum

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The Anu Museum building on the campus of Tel Aviv University


Our Story – The new ANU Museum

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Lifting Artists from Darkness to Light

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Windmill – renovated and restored 2012. Photo: Richard Gordon


Montefiore’s Jerusalem Windmill

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Cable Express

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Herzl's Vision Today - Book Review

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Photo credit: Pixabay


Will Power: On the Power of Notarized Wills

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Documenting Survivors and Keeping Sane

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Photo credit: Hobi Industri on Unsplash


Don't Throw Me Under the Bus

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Photo credit: Samir Smier of Pixabay. View of Caesarea


An Unexpected Meeting

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The Moosewood Cookbook

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Mission with a Vision

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Eitan Plonsky

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Ghajar’s embracing all faiths Garden of Peace


Ghajar – A Village Neither Here Nor There

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Brune St. Soup KitchenFor The Jewish Poor


Memories of Chicken Soup with Barley

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"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you...."

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Iron Lady's Dream Comes True

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At Long Last a Book in Hebrew I Can Read…!

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