ESRA Magazine
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Visitors sit on chairs and floor cushions at the Bedouin Embroidery Center


Unique Ethiopian and Bedouin Women

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Old Torajan burial


Past Prevails in Indonesia

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Getting medals in Assisi at the end of the ride. Laurence is on the far right


Bike Ride Salutes Righteous Italian

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In front of the the photo of Elfriede and Julius Berg is their silver cup holder which was saved for 72 years.


German Memorial to My Grandparents

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Enduring Power of Attorney

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Wines of the Golan

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Moshe Lupovici with his mother and sisters Gisele (left) and Sarah


Lupovici Cousins: Tragedy, Mystery

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Thoughts of a Would-be Writer

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Something to shout about ... women at the 2019 Thrive Group Retreat held at Kibbutz Dalia


Thriving with Cancer

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Michael Adler at the chart table


Alone ... on the South Atlantic Ocean

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MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
There are pockets of coexistence
which kindle hope.
Old cities and very new cities with amazing stories
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