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Freedom of the Open Road for Cyclists

Photos and words by Ilan Hirschowitz

I think one could say without a doubt that cycling is Israel's most popular new national pastime. There is nothing more invigorating than jumping on your full suspension bike and hitting one of the multitude of off-road tracks around the Sharon area.

Cyclenix, an Anglo group (which welcomes all nationalities with open arms), was founded in 1996 by John Cohen who was tired of riding solo through the Sharon area on his mountain bike.

The man who started it all in 1996 ... Cyclenix founder John Cohen

He put an advert in the SAZF's Telfed magazine as well as the AACI's monthly bulletin in order to find a few people who would be interested in joining him once a week in cycling off the beaten track.

He got two replies: one from Hylton Sher and the other from David Lewis. These three "pioneers" (sometimes with David's wife Ingrid and daughter Naomi) started to meet on a Saturday morning and have some fun on their bikes.

David later introduced a friend, Moshe Abromowitz, and Hylton brought along Jack Reardon. Not long after Ted Silverman and his wife Dina joined the happy group. And so Cyclenix was born.

Cycling quartet ... Anna Sheffer, Barbara Sher, Yochi Levy and Michal Cahn

Today the group has a mailing list of more than 200, is based in Raanana and has weekly home or away rides that start on Saturday mornings at the Yad Lebanim parking lot in Ahuza Street, Raanana.

There is no charge for participation, and one always knows that if one hits a snag on the way – like a puncture or getting stuck in the mud – there will always be some technical fundi to help out.

Riders should be capable of doing around 30kms off-road, but generally the rides are not of a high level of difficulty.

My wife and I joined the group two years ago and we have become part of Cyclenix's warm extended family.

Cyclenix members Yvette Hirschowitz and Merril Walder

We get to experience lots of sunshine, exercise, good camaraderie and always a stop at the end for refueling on coffee, croissants or breakfast. This makes for a happy, healthy way of spending a weekend morning.

For more details:

David 054 474 1424

or John 050 942 2788



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