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Murray's Audience is Enthralled

Murray Greenfield (wearing cap) with ESRA Haifa vice-chairman Harry Hiller

On April 26, all Haifa ESRA committee members were scattered around, carrying out various assignments. Doreen went to Hof HaCarmel to meet our special guest and speaker, Murray Greenfield, who came by train from Tel Aviv. Others were arranging the refreshment table in our hall at Bet Hecht at Central Carmel, or welcoming members and guests, while yet others were collecting contributions for the evening and trying to enrol new members.

It all came together nicely, and the hall was filled to capacity with over 55 members and friends, partially due to the free publicity we had from the double-page article about Murray in The Jerusalem Post several days earlier.

His talk was a huge success. He told us about his early life in America, and how he had got involved with bringing illegal immigrants to Palestine, his connections to Ben Gurion, the founding of the AACI and later, the Gefen Publishing House.

He was humorous, used many Yiddish words and sayings, and kept us all in rapt attention and laughter. Questions and answers were also a big part of the evening. After selling some of his books (which he had brought with him) he was taken back to the train station to catch his train home.

We have had wonderful feedback from this event and it made all the hard work and months of preparations worthwhile.

The climax of the evening was when early the next morning, Murray rang me in Haifa to thank me for organizing such a lovely evening for him with such an appreciative audience and with such good questions at the end. 



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