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Kids Benefit From ‘Project Knit’

Thumbs up ... Rhona Berzack (left) and Rene Chazen at Shaare Zedek Hospital with items made by the Modiin Knitting Circle

Photo: Audrey Gross

ESRA Modiin's most meaningful project this year was knitting items for the children in various wards at Shaare Zedek and Bikur Cholim hospitals.

We knitted blankets, hats and booties for premature babies, jumpers for the older babies, and toys which we distributed to the children in the oncology wards.

The note below was received, showing Shaare Zedek's appreciation and thanks.

Dear Rhona (and the wonderful ladies who participated to this project),

I really wanted to thank you and all of your wonderful friends who have created the most marvelous collection of knitted treasures.

You are the first group locally and for that we are even more grateful. We are used to receiving small bags from friends in California, Canada, Norway, UK and now Modiin! How exciting!

Please thank each and every artist who helped create the wonderful things you brought. Please tell them how we selected each item to be sent to the right department… the tiny hats and booties were sent to the NICU together with the super cute Octopi, the matinee jackets and blankets were sent to the head nurse of the well nursery to be given to needy families, babies born with issues like Down's syndrome, abandoned babies or babies born in difficult circumstances…

The beautifully crafted dolls were given to various children's departments including PICU and the Day Hospital for children with severe chronic illnesses.

May HaShem always give you the opportunity to be on the giving side.

Thank you so much from all of us at Shaare Zedek.

Audrey Gross, Guest Relations

Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem 

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