ESRA Magazine
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Haifa industry pollution fears

Dr, Einat Rotem

For its monthly event in January, ESRA Haifa hosted a talk by Dr Einat Rotem, a very popular figure in the area. She is not only a successful architect and urban planner, but is also a City Councilor and concerns herself with the quality of the air in Haifa, and the development of industry in our city. Dr Rotem explained that not all the rumors about serious health problems in certain districts of Haifa have been proved, and that a lot of research has yet to be done. It was, however, distressing to hear that there are plans to considerably increase the industrial area, and with that would come more smoke and fumes into and above the air of the city of Haifa. She asked where the center of the city of Haifa was? A lot should still be done to develop a real center, rebuilding and redeveloping the neglected area. After her talk there were many animated questions which Dr Rotem answered in her polite, yet correct, way. Next on the program was refreshments and mingling. Nearly 50 members, friends and several new immigrants attended this very successful evening. 



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