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Freedom Month of May


During a mere seven days, we commemorate the victims of the Holocaust, and we mourn the soldiers who sacrificed their lives over the last 71 years for the security of their homeland, culminating in the celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut, our day of independence, which signifies the establishment of the State of Israel.

The Jewish people today live in state of paradox. On the one hand there is admiration around the world for Israel and what it has achieved, but on the other hand, it is accompanied in certain circles by the rise in anti-Semitism, which manifests itself not only in Europe by the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, but also by synagogue shootings in the United States, and articles dripping with hatred of Jews and Israel that constantly undermine the legitimacy of the Jewish nation state. As bad as this is, anti-Semitism in the West is eclipsed by that coming from the East, where Iran continuously threatens Israel with destruction. Israel does not ignore these intimidations but is not deterred by them. Contrary to what happened during the Holocaust, Israel is determined and capable of defending itself by itself. The IDF is one of the strongest armies in the world and can defeat its enemies.

Even though we feel tremendous pain at the disaster that has befallen the Jewish people, we are proud that the nation rose from the ashes in our independent state. Israel is now receiving unprecedented pride, esteem and admiration precisely in countries whose earth is soaked with Jewish blood. In exile, our abysmal weakness left us to our fate. In the homeland, the power we have built makes us a rising world power. We are proud of our achievements but we do not ignore the dangers that lie ahead. This is not a question of fearmongering: awareness of danger is a precondition for life.

On May 2, 2019 more than 10,000 young adults and Jewish leaders from 52 countries completed the March of the Living from Auschwitz to Birkenau, and they pledged to keep alive the legacy of the six million Jews who perished at the hands of Nazi Germany.

"Am Israel Hai."

Caroline Simon




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