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All Dolled up for Storytime

savannah-1 Once upon a time ... Savannah entertains the children with a story (Photos: Denis Kaliser)

What a delightful afternoon was had by all who attended the live show given by Savannah who told her beautiful story,
The Lost Matryoshka Doll.

There were 70 children together with their parents and grandparents. All were enthralled by Savannah's singing and puppet show presentation.

The children just sat on the floor with their mouths and eyes wide open in anticipation of the next part of the story.

This first-time event for Raanana was in the mall in front of the new ESRA Bookshop. For many of the audience it was their first visit to the Bookshop. They were so happy to find such a selection of children's books and of course so many modern day hardback and paperback books from such a wide range of authors.

It was very gratifying to see the Bookshop so full after the show with parents purchasing books that had been chosen by the children.

The Bookshop is open Sunday to Friday 09:30 to 13:00
Monday and Thursday afternoons 16:00 to 17:00.

We have a dedicated group of volunteers working in the shop. We are always looking for new volunteers for the ESRA Bookshop.

Following this success we will be planning further story times with Savannah in the future. 



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