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You’re a Star, Liat

In the pool and on horseback ... Liat Pikado, who has cerebral palsy, joined the Magal project back in 2010 (Photos: Anat Lavi)

Outstanding volunteer award for Kibbutz Magal volunteer 

All smiles from award winner Liat Pikado with her certificate

At the end of May, the President of the State of Israel held a ceremony granting Certificates of Excellence to National Service volunteers. One of the award winners as an outstanding volunteer was Liat Pikado, a graduate of the Tlamim Riding and Animal Therapy Center in Kibbutz Magal.

As a child, Liat, who has cerebral palsy, participated in the activities of one of ESRA's "Techushons" for special needs children which ESRA operated for many years in numerous community centers.

The Techushons were established and run by Hedy Wax. Ruti Kamon, who took over from Hedy as the ESRA coordinator of this project is a member of Kibbutz Magal. At the end of one year, she took the Techushon kids to the Magal Riding Therapy Center for their end of year party. 

Petting a labrador

 Liat, all of eight years old, asked her "Why can't we come here more often?" and the idea of the Tlamim Riding Therapy Center Project was born. Liat, among other kids who had been in the Techushons, joined the Magal project at its inception in 2010 and remained there until the end of her school studies.

Like all the participants, Liat took part in horseback riding, dog training and animal husbandry activities under the guidance of a professional and experienced team of therapists, alongside many volunteers. After completing her high school studies, Liat chose to volunteer for National Service in the framework of the Shlomit organization and she is now in her second year as teaching assistant at a special needs school.

The enrichment, empowerment and support that Liat benefited from at the Center, was one of the major factors in her success as a young adult. The Center, which cares for a population with special needs with physical and cognitive disabilities, is the result of the cooperation of ESRA, THE BECK FOUNDATION and the Misholim Association, with the assistance of the Ministry of Welfare, ILAN and the Menashe Regional Council.

When we are asked to give measurements of success, can anything beat this?

Congratulations Liat – you are a star!

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