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Corker of a Wine Event

Members of ESRA Rehovot and Rishon enjoying the wine tasting event

ESRA Rehovot and Rishon branches inaugurated the new season on September 18 with a gala opening event, "A Wine Tasting and Workshop," featuring the wines of the Jerusalem Vineyard Winery (JVW).

Preceding the Workshop, the participants were treated to a musical reception given by Lynn Gross, during which time new friends were made and old acquaintances were renewed. This social part of the evening was greatly facilitated by the beautifully adorned tables and the multitude of tasty refreshments, including everyone's favorite, Walkers shortbread, directly imported from London's Heathrow Airport.

During the wine tasting and workshop, Sam Soroka, JVW's head winemaker, gave an outstanding presentation of his wine-making history, both abroad and in Israel. He spoke of some of the complexities in making high-quality wine of great value, including the strict adherence to Kashrut. Most interesting and satisfying, he demonstrated (through the tastings) how his philosophy of wine-making influences the taste of JVW's wines.

Sam was ably assisted by Eyal and Sara from the winery who opened the bottles and poured the wine for us. As an added bonus, JVW gave a 15% discount for purchases of their wines.

Unfortunately, it was necessary to limit the number of participants, and members of our Board and others who tried registering at the deadline could not be accommodated.

This was truly an excellent beginning for the new programming year.



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