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Third New ESRA Branch Gets Underway

Photo credit: Dr. Avishai Teicher-PikiWiki Israel 20011 Four mothers sculpture in Petah-Tikva Israel

 PETACH TIKVAH is the third new ESRA branch to be started in the last twelve months.

A meeting at the home of Lenore and Shimon Simpson was told by Glenis Bertfield, ESRA Central Region and Befrienders Coordinator, that a trend is being seen in English speaking communities where early retirees want to have activities in English in their own neighborhoods.

Glenis introduced her husband, Lawrence, a member of the ESRA Executive and fundraising committee chairman, who spoke about the various ways ESRA raises money.

The 20 people at the meeting were then asked what type of activities they would be interested in. Bridge, lectures, Scrabble, Mah Jongg, writing groups were all mentioned.

A strong interest was also shown in the possibility of a Magen David Adom meeting, plus more interesting topics.

Everyone had positive thoughts, and it was felt it was time to start a Petach Tikvah ESRA branch.

After some discussion, three people agreed to take on responsibilities: Miriam Crosbie, chairman; Yosefa Huber, secretary; and Esther Hummel treasurer.

Others expressing an interest to be involved were Edna Chayen, Karen Folk, Milton Franks, Miriam Grunwald, Judith Rosen and Arie Shore.

■For further information on the new branch please contact Miriam Crosbie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or email Glenis Bertfield at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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