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The Year That Was in Kfar Shmariyahu Young Adults Club

Photos by Roni Sela

This year started off on a high.Four young students studying Behavioral Science and Psychology at the Ruppin Academic Center joined the Young Adults group as part of their college project. Each week they prepared and administered an interesting activity. Despite the physical disabilities of the participants, we played bingo, we learned about the Zodiac signs and the five senses, we discussed Good Deeds Day and the activities of some of the many philanthropic organizations that exist - and enjoyed many other interesting and well-planned activities.

As a result of Coronavirus, activities at the Kfar Shmariyahu social group took place on Zoom from April until the end of the academic year. In these times, being largely confined to home, the participants took great pleasure in being able to "meet and greet" each other, chat and exchange their thoughts and feelings.

The grand finale planned over months for the end of the year - a boat trip from the Herzliya port - unfortunately, again due to Corona, had to be postponed. Hopefully the situation will improve in the near future and we will be able to sail at the beginning of the year, thanks to the wonderful donation of the trip by the boat owner.


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