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Teaching English to Israeli Children

A tutoring session

CHILDREN in Israel are hungry to learn English. But with 30 to 40 kids in a class, there is no chance of teachers giving students the one-to-one help they so desperately need.

But this is where YOU come in . . . with English as your mother tongue, the ESRA English Tutoring Program (ETP) needs your help to tutor school children in the English language.

Tutors are needed in every school and in every town from the north of Israel to the south.

And it doesn't matter if you can't speak Hebrew. It's not needed for middle and high schools, but would be helpful if you have a smattering of Hebrew for elementary schools.

All you have to do is to tell us which level of children you prefer to work with – elementary, middle or high school – and which school you'd prefer to be in. You even set the number of days and hours you are available each week. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Not sure if you'd like to be a volunteer? We can set you up with a current volunteer to see what he/she does in the school. Hopefully, this will help you to decide.

If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a volunteer, then simply contact your local coordinator with their details – see panel alongside.

It is such a mitzvah to help these children. It is deeply appreciated not only by the teachers but by parents and students themselves.

There is nothing more rewarding than seeming the smile on a child's face who succeeds with a passing grade in an English exam, knowing that it's because of the help you gave.


Contact a coordinator nearest to you if you would like to tutor Israeli children in the English language:

■Givatayim: Honey 054 456 8792

■Herzliya: Marise 09 957 1170

■Karmiel: Brian 054 229 1276

■Kfar Saba / Hod Hasharon: Naomi 09 745 3851

■Haifa: Stanley 04 845 8907

■Krayote: Marsha 050 228 0755 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

■Modiin: Vicky 054 494 9698

■Nahariya: Hazel 054 688 3961

■Netanya: Ros 09 834 0937

■Petach Tikvah: Annette 054 777 0071

■Raanana: Libby 054 797 4089

■Ramat HaSharon: Lola 052 265 3847

■Rehovot: Sharon 08 946 8358

■Rishon LeZion: Marion 054 465 7717

■Tel Aviv: Gill 03 602 1008

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