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Stepping out for an amazing walking tour of Jerusalem

In Machane Yehuda market. Photos: Harvey Sapir

 It was with some trepidation that I booked this walking tour of Jerusalem knowing the hills and vales of our capital city, but was I ever wrong! What a day we had.

Our guide was terrific, a lovely young man named Nadav Kersh, who shared with us lively and interesting anecdotes about the places we visited.

We started off at the old Jerusalem Railway Station, which has been lovingly preserved into an impressive area of shops, cafes, restaurants and an excellent center for cultural festivals that Jerusalem is so proud of hosting.

Jerusalem’s old Railway Station

We then began meandering into the most beautiful parks, alleyways, archways and tiny courtyards. Nadav's funny and informative stories made walking an absolute pleasure. I could not believe that we had walked for four hours. Nobody complained and everyone I spoke to assured me how much they were enjoying the trip. 

Another scenic view in the city

We ended up at the Machane Yehuda market where my friend and I had a delicious leisurely lunch and after 1 1/2 hours, we met up with our group again to go through Nachlaot on the way back to the bus, and home.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day thanks to the lovely people on the bus, our excellent guide and Cecily Hanson, who planned and organized it. 



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