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Squeals as Kids get Beanies!

It wasn't just one moment to cherish, but fifteen moments and more, when Rhona Berzack and Bev Rockman, coordinators of ESRA Modiin's new Knitting & Crocheting Circle, presented each child at Neve ESRA with a beautiful gift for Chanukah: beanies and matching scarves. The smiles, the hugs and the squeals of sheer delight on their faces, not to mention those of their parents, were absolutely thrilling.

Bev Rockman (left) and Rhona Berzack hand over the hats and scarves to two youngsters in Modiin

Neve ESRA is an afternoon care center for 9-12-year-old kids at risk. It is supported by ESRA Modiin. Our new knitting group, which started in October after the high holidays, set themselves a difficult challenge to complete matching hats and scarves for each child in time for Chanukah, which came particularly early this year. In less than six weeks the knitters achieved their goal.

The results of their efforts were well worth it. Thank you all so much for an outstanding endeavor and may you continue to enjoy the fruits of your labors, knowing that you are benefiting so many youngsters in need.

Sheh Tizku Le'Mitzvot!

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