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Smashing Opening Event in Rehovot

Playing in Rehovot, the trio: Dan Birenbaum, clarinet, Hadar Yaakov, electric guitar, and Shai Rosenfeld, guitar

ESRA last had a live event in the new Havayot Shweiz community center in Rehovot in February 2019, so it was with great trepidation that we decided to hold another musical evening for our first live event on October 6, 2021, taking into account possible restrictions with Corona, and not knowing how many people would respond.

It turned out that the only restrictions at our musical event were to show proof of vaccination, or a "green pass", and the wearing of masks.

So, with wine or a hot drink, and a sweet or savory snack in hand, to our delight, over 50 people settled in happily to enjoy the evening of eclectic music.

The musicians were a trio - Dan Birenbaum on clarinet, Hadar Yaakov on electric guitar and bouzouki, and Shai Rosenfeld on guitar. They entertained us by playing a variation of jazz, klezmer, songs (both in Yiddish and Hebrew), and a number of original compositions by Hadar Yaakov.

Dan, sporting an arty cap, very lightheartedly introduced each song beforehand, with interesting background stories surrounding them. This helped to engage the audience, and it added to the evening's enjoyment.

The audience was very enthusiastic in their applause, requested encores, and everyone went away smiling. Their response was such that we may need to invite this trio to perform for us again. All things considered, a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.

It is still too early yet to switch over entirely to live events, so for the meantime, the ESRA Rehovot Branch is continuing with its interesting lectures, via Zoom. 



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