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Rishon Gets a Sweat(er) On!

ESRA’s Rishon Chairperson Janet Kiesari (left) with Shirley Frankel (center) and Lorna Toube. Shirley and Lorna run Rishon’s knitting project

What a busy month we have had in Rishon, starting mid-November, with the annual pre-Chanukah distribution of the sweaters knitted by our knitting group and by our friends at Ad-120 to 17 after-school centers, (250 sweaters and scarves). Laden with boxes containing the sweaters, bags filled with scarves and sweets, and containers of donuts, off we trooped, very ably assisted by Mervyn Toube who schlepped box after box of sweaters, patiently waiting while we enjoyed every single Chanukah party with the kids. What a wonderful feeling we get every Chanukah when we see the excitement our visits generate in the kids, and even more so in their teachers!

Simultaneously on December 1, we participated in ESRA's annual quiz - to our amazement coming 8th all round. This was the first time we had participated so it was very exciting for us. Naomi Aharoni, a loyal and very generous lady on our committee, offered her home for this function and David Scott was our quiz master. He did a splendid job, and the evening went off without a hitch. Hopefully we can repeat this next year and better our overall scores.

The next night, December 2, after having (in the afternoon) celebrated Chanukah at "our" after-school center, Ofakim, with games and goodies for the kids, we went on to hold our annual Chanukah party. Punch, latkes, cakes and cheese - all the good "diet" food - was enjoyed by everyone. Then David Scott, again having spent time compiling a program, showed us hilarious television clips of different brands of English, American and South African humor. Everyone left in good cheer after a most enjoyable evening.

Then on December 3, our friends and colleagues and helpers at Ad-120 put on an exhibition of some of the knitting they had done during the year for our kids-at-risk in Rishon. They went all out to show the work and to try to get donations to assist us in purchasing the wool, which ESRA supplies to them. The cultural manager at Ad-120, Tamar Fono, organized the evening with sandwiches, drinks, cakes, coffee and tea to be enjoyed by all. We then went into the hall to honor Koka Greenberg, who very ably runs the knitting project at Ad-120, as well as the 22 women (and one man) who assist her. Janet Kiesari, our chairperson, presented Koka Greenberg with a certificate from ESRA for her excellent work, as well as a one-year membership and an ESRA pin.Baruch Tanaman, ESRA co-chair, and Juliet Rostowsky, a member of the executive, participated in this evening, and after Janet Kiesari, our chairperson, had spoken about ESRA projects in Rishon, Baruch gave a talk with a PowerPoint presentation of ESRA projects throughout the country. A lovely evening was had by all.

And now we start getting ready for Chanukah next year and hope that we will have as great a time as this year and be even more active in the community, especially with our children at risk.

Piled high: some of the knitwear

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