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Purim Party Turned Birthday Party

Toub-199 Photo: Lorna Toube

ESRA Rishon organized a Purim party for the children attending the afternoon care center (Moadonit) at Ofakim School. Together with the Purim party we celebrated the birthdays of three of the children in the group.

Our volunteers arrived at the school with masks which the children colored in and on which they stuck stickers. We also brought hamantaschen, candies, popcorn, lollipops and all the things that children delight in, as well as a birthday cake and gifts for the children celebrating their birthdays.

Naomi Aharoni, our wonderful volunteer who organizes functions at Ofakim, quizzed the children on the story and customs of Purim and played several games with them. Then birthday candles were lit and blessings were given to the birthday celebrants by their classmates.

A fun afternoon was had by all and the children are already looking forward to our next visit. 



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