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Netanya Lecture Series Thanks Beit Yona

Our lecture series in Netanya started four years ago with the dual purpose of giving the English speaking community in Netanya quality lectures in English as well as to help fund the activities of ESRA's Netanya Projects.

It was the late Audrey Goodman who inspired and guided us to reach the success that we have enjoyed ever since, not only with Netanya residents but also with "outsiders" from the Sharon area. Just recently an ESRA member from Protea Village told me with great enthusiasm that she is planning to join our series for 2015-16 and hopefully she'll bring some friends.

The main reason for our success has been the generosity of the management of the Yona Apartments in Netanya. They have been kind enough, for the past two years, to donate the lecture hall to us for our biweekly lectures, in return for our having it cleaned after every lecture. The hall is just the right size, with a friendly atmosphere and lovely little area for coffee and chats before and after the lectures. The relationship is symbiotic as several of the residents, who wouldn't be able to travel, attend these lectures which are right on their doorstep. So, too, do the English speaking tourists who come to stay for short periods.

Beit Yona is an apartment hotel, serving both long and short term stays. Several ESRA members live in the building, and we all know that the first place we suggest to our visitors looking for somewhere to stay is Beit Yona.

This is certainly another win:win situation and long may it be so.

Our next lecture series starts on October 27 from 10.00-11.00 with Dr Anat Gueta. 



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