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Muscling in on Street Musician


Editor's Note: The writer, who recently relocated from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, discovered her photograph when she was packing up her belongings in preparation of her move. The terrorist bombing she writes about took place during the Second Intifada on August 9, 2001 in the Sbarro pizzeria. It killed 13 civilians and wounded 130.

Do you remember when music was played at the entrance to the Pizza restaurant at the corner of Jaffa Road and King George Street in Jerusalem?

A joy to all who passed that way.

A young man, in a smart black suit began lying on the ground nearby, on Jaffa Road. Discovering his cup, mostly ignored, he slowly, day by day, moved closer and closer to our lovely musician, until people began to accept them as a couple!

Our musician continued to play, and the 'gentleman in black' took home a satisfying reward.

Amused, I photographed the couple.

Laughing to myself in my homemade darkroom, I was printing the picture when the news came through of a bombing….

The photograph, together with my giggle, was filed away until today. 



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