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Marilyn Ronen

Marilyn Marilyn Ronen

To say that we're all in shock is not an exaggeration. When Jo called to tell me that Marilyn had died, I said "No, no it can't be I just had a What's App from her". But sadly it was true. My friend was gone. No call this morning or ever again. No more calls to discuss the day's events or just to vent to each other, No more spur of the moment car rides to, as Marilyn would say, "anywhere".

Marilyn was a community leader, an academic, a family person and my friend.

As a community leader, she was active in ESRA for years and the chairperson of ESRA Tel Aviv. She was always urging us to find ways to have fun programs and earn money for ESRA. We did both under Marilyn's leadership.

As an academic, Marilyn was the chair of the TAU archeology group. She and her committee planned interesting and informative lectures and tours. They were both well attended because of Marilyn's input.

But her main concern was for her family. Marilyn was always interested in the activities of her children and grandchildren. In fact, she died in England visiting her daughter for Pesach. And I'll miss her terribly as my friend. I've already mentioned our morning calls and sudden car trips but the event I'll never forget was my 75th birthday trip to Freedom Farm. It was typical of Marilyn's thoughtfulness and kindness. Her many friends also benefited from these two traits.

We were both only children and I honestly can say that I feel like I've lost a sister.

I will miss you terribly, Marilyn, but I want you to finally run free no longer hindered by earthly ties. Goodbye my friend. Stay safe 

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