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Make a Difference

Baruch Tanaman in conversation with Michael Hunter

ESRA is making a difference with its community projects, after school centers, enrichment programs and grants. It is making a difference to people's lives, and even to whole communities. It is our aim to better Israeli society not just today, but well into the future. That is why we invest so much of our time and effort in educational projects, and we intend to continue doing so for many years to come. We are so grateful for all the help we get that allows us to build Israel a better future, one small step at a time.

Help comes through many channels, and whether occasional small donations, large endowments, or regular stipends, it is always put to good use and always accepted with the utmost appreciation.

I recently met with Michael Hunter, ESRA's Wills & Bequests Advisor, to discuss ESRA's aims and how we can continue achieving them, with a focus on how our supporters can help ensure that our work carry on into the future.

Michael began by referring to the Jewish tradition of giving to charity, whether religious or secular, rich or poor. Traditionally, one is encouraged to give a portion of one's income or assets to charity, particularly those that help the needy, that help people "get back on their feet". ESRA is such a charity.

Most of us, with our Jewish tradition ingrained, make random donations to charity. But, Michael suggests, the best way to support a worthy charity is to plan your giving. Michael described two main ways of arranging planned giving.

*Through a bequest in a Will, where part of an estate is left to the charity

*Through a lifetime bequest, where funds are donated during the donor's lifetime

The decision of how to make a bequest will differ from donor to donor and also depends on where the donor lives. Tax benefits vary from country to country and, of course, family considerations must be taken into account. For that reason it is important, Michael explains, to discuss proposed bequests with legal and tax advisors.

So if you'd like to plan your giving, continue your support for Israel's welfare, ensure ESRA's ability to continue its good works, and can carry on making a difference far into the future, a bequest is certainly worth considering. A charitable bequest to ESRA bearing your name, or that of someone you wish to honour, will ensure that you do.

For more information on bequests and how to help ESRA promote Israel's future, contact:
Adv. Michael Hunter, ESRA Wills & Bequests Advisor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yonit Gurfinkel , ESRA Executive Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Tel: 052 489 8675 



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