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Live Musical Event in Haifa

After more than one year of hibernation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ESRA Haifa Branch launched its first live event since January 2020, on Wednesday 9th June 2021.

Chairman Harry Hiller and his committee were able to arrange a musical event, by finding two Israeli / Australian musicians to perform in Haifa at the home of Harry and Marion Hiller.

The numbers were limited to 25 persons, so together with 22 guests who registered, the two performers and two specially invited guests, the evening took place. 

Shelli and Michael Wallach together with Chairman Harry Hiller

Shelli Goldblatt made aliyah in 1968 from South Africa together with her parents and siblings and followed a musical career. She met her future husband Michael Wallach, a university professor, while singing in a choir. Michael plays the alto saxophone.

They have four children and the family went to live in Australia for some years. In Sydney, Shelli became the Musical Director and music teacher in a Jewish school, and soon she and Michael started performing together as a hobby. Michael performs on an alto saxophone, and Shelli on the piano.

For some time now they have been giving concerts and donating the total proceeds to various charities in many countries in the world.

They are now in Israel for a prolonged visit and are rapidly getting booked up to give performances for many charities, but perhaps mainly for ESRA.

The hosts for the Haifa event moved furniture and prepared a very comfortable seating area for the ESRA members and friends who had made their donation (NIS 40 members, NIS 55 for visitors) and all arrived in good time at 19.30 as arranged.

The music played was popular, older style light jazz, and was very well received. Light refreshments were available before and after the performance. At the end of the evening, the Chairman presented the couple with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Haifa Branch is now planning to continue as before with monthly live meetings, in private homes initially.

For information email Harry HillerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 054 425 3333.



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