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Lawrence (Aryeh) Shore 1944-2017

Lawrence Shore: known as Aryeh

 Dr. Lawrence Stewart Shore was known simply as Aryeh Shore. He came on aliyah in 1977 with his first wife and four boys. He was the proud grandfather of ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. His first wife sadly died a few years ago. He married Sharon Lehrer in June 2014 and moved to Petah Tikvah.

Aryeh graduated from Yeshiva University and received his doctorate in Physiology from Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia in 1972.

He joined the staff of the Kimron Veterinary Institute in Israel in 1979 and has published 100 reviewed articles dealing with reproductive endocrinology and toxicology of many phyla including snails, carp, chickens, cows, oryxes and lions.

Aryeh published a book dealing with transport of hormones and drugs in soil, watersheds and groundwater from large farming operations. This research was done in Israel, Germany and the USA, where he was a Senior Smithsonian Fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Center.

After his retirement, Aryeh was active in pushing for routine testing of dioxin (one of the twelve "dirty dozen" chemicals which are documented to cause damage in the environment) and writing a dictionary of the foreign words (glosses) in the Tosephot and Rishonim.

Aryeh breezed onto the Petah Tikvah ESRA scene when we had a meeting to form the Petah Tikvah branch of ESRA in 2015. He joined the committee, and took the responsibility of building the successful mailing list to all our members and non-members in the PT area.

I soon found out from his friend Chaim Freedman that Aryeh had a wealth of experience in scientific matters and he loved to walk around Petah Tikvah and look at the rich history of the town.

They say that you never look beneath the pavement of the town you live in, and this was true as Aryeh put together for ESRA four historic walking tours in and around Petah Tikvah. Sadly, we only managed the first tour, around the city center, which was attended and enjoyed by more than 25 people, before Aryeh was taken ill.

Aryeh had two great professional loves: science and Torah. He successfully merged the two in his life. The lectures he gave to ESRA on The search for the Holy Quail were attended by more than 25 people.

Aryeh was a man of many talents, with a dry sense of humor, but a heart of gold. He will be sorely missed by all his friends and by the Petah Tikvah ESRA committee.



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