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It’s a Ninjago Chanukah

Chanukah gifts for Neve ESRA presented by ESRA Co-Chairperson Evelynne Cherny (left) to the house mother and her assistant
A LEGO Ninjago

 The 15 children, their parents and some siblings attended the annual Chanukah party arranged by the staff at Neve ESRA in Modiin. There were representatives from the municipality, the social worker, the house mother, the tutor, the assistant house mother and the group of high school teenagers who come weekly to mentor and help the children, as well as myself in attendance.

After several speeches a short film was shown, created by the Sherut Leumi young lady, showing the students various activities.

I was given the opportunity to welcome everyone, thank those who do a fantastic job in the afternoon center and to present the children with a Chanukah present. We purchased a large set of Lego Ninjago. When the gift was unwrapped the children were tremendously excited.They all came to admire the characters on the front of the box and individually to me to express their appreciation. Many parents came also to express their thanks for ESRA's help. The joy on the children's faces gave me, as the ESRA representative, much happiness.

Light refreshments and doughnuts were served after which many happy little faces returned home. 

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