I find the ESRAmagazine extremely interesting and read it, virtually, from cover to cover. What particularly resonated with me in the July/August edition #195 was the article headed "Prayers for those who died in the Holocaust" by Marion Stone.

As one who escaped Germany, just a few months prior to the commencement of World War II, it was my good fortunate to leave at this late hour. My parents, sister and I had visas and affidavits for the United States but they were dated November 1940. It was only because my eminent rabbi grandfather from Hungary, who was a friend of the then Chief Rabbi of Britain, Dr. Herz, who also came from Hungary, that we obtained a temporary visa enabling us to stay in Britain until November 1940. War broke out in September 1939 and we remained in Britain.

Tragically, there were thousands of others, with post-dated visas for America, who perished because it was too late for them to escape the Holocaust.

John Katten
