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Gil Shohat Helping the Hungry

Some of the 230 people in the audience. Photos: Nathan Ginsburg

 I am very happy and proud to report another magical Musical Evening with Maestro Gil Shohat at the Sharon Hotel, Herzliya Pituach. Gil played Schubert, Debussy, Rachmaninoff, and added Chopin and Mozart which were not on the original program. The music was accompanied by detailed explanations from Gil, which was a real treat.

The audience this year consisted of 230 music lovers, the majority of whom had attended musical evenings such as these on previous occasions. Gil reiterated the promise which he had made to us before that while there was one hungry child in Israel he would return to play to raise money for much-needed funds. This time he renewed that vow and said that wherever he was in the world, he would return to play. He tells me that he does these evenings with complete love, and feels very honored that I asked him to play to raise money for this most worthy cause, namely the Hand-in-Hand Food Pantry. I feel that we, as an audience supporting a food charity, should in turn feel very proud that Gil Shohat sponsors these evenings, thus enabling us to raise much-needed funds.

Gil and Nelly

Before the music recital we were treated to a splendid buffet with choices of salads, cheeses, fish and quiches. And, of course, there followed a selection of mouth-watering desserts, hot and cold drinks and wine.

Events such as this one, particularly with sponsorships of this kind in place, are good money-raisers and help swell the empty coffers of the Hand in Hand Food Pantry which feeds the hungry and needy of Netanya. Without the sponsors and without our wonderful supporters we would not be able to achieve our target. So I give a big thank you to the supporters who attend year after year, to the sponsors who so graciously help us, to the Committee of the Hand in Hand Food Pantry, and above all to GIL SHOHAT who, in spite of his busy schedule, still agrees to come and perform for free to help raise the much-needed funds.

Thank you, Gil, for making the evening such a success. 

Drawing the raffle on the night ... Hand-in-Hand Food Pantry Committee Rika Meyerowitz, Shiphra Davis, Hadassah Birnbaum and Marian Burck


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