ESRA Magazine
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From the Editor 186

Hours, days, months, and a year have raced by us and we are about to enter the New Year. Thank you to those readers who sent us New Year greetings, we appreciate your support, and you can view your greetings online in this magazine. We feature several items on the high holidays: New Year cards from Jewish soldiers in World War 1; Vignettes from the Yom Kippur War 1973; an explanation on the trepidation felt on the Day of Atonement; and as we approach Simchat Torah when we start reading the Torah anew, a rethink of the story of Adam and Eve is evoked by Mark Twain's The Diary of Eve.

We're very excited, and congratulate our graphic designer of the magazine's adverts, Nitzan Krivine, who won TV's first Bake Off competition, with her friend Shy Golan. You can see them on the cover and read the article on their participation in Bake Off and you can even try some of their mouthwatering recipes which we bring you. I hope too you'll savor a new column we are introducing in this edition by food writer Buzzy Gordon, reviews of restaurants, this time on brunches.

ESRA is always in action, all over the country, and with so many varied activities and community projects. You'll get a good feel by reading the many articles: our first-ever ESRA national conference; our annual golf competition; music evenings and concerts; lectures; film and games evenings; knitting groups and their contributions; the varied educational programs with Ethiopian youth; volunteer tutoring; a cancer self-help group; hikes; and one of the latest - group walking with Nordic poles.

We've all had hair-raising experiences with large service provider companies and you'll no doubt identify with the story on trying to disconnect from one of them. Also in the consumer arena, the recent collapse of several mega companies amid huge media clamor brings into focus the responsibility of the gatekeepers – accountants, lawyers, boards of directors, regulators – about which we have an erudite appraisal. And of course you'll enjoy the salient tips of our ConsumerWatch.

So many when they retire feel at a loss, unwanted, not knowing what to do. We have excellent encouraging examples of how to reinvent yourself at 60. Of course ESRA can find active and positive ways to utilize your talents and energies – contact Sharona at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With the approach of the high holiday free days, there are some excellent ideas in these pages – a bird-watching sanctuary in Jerusalem; a photographic exhibition at Tel Aviv Museum; visits to the Knesset and Supreme Court in Jerusalem; the archaeological diggings at Magdala; the Dona Gracia Hotel in Tiberias to learn about a woman 16th century Zionist. If you are going to New York, retrace the steps of Jewish immigrants' sweatshops and tenements.

Don't miss our fundraising event – buy your tickets now for Achinoam Nini's concert.

Happy New Year from all of us at ESRA,




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