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Focus on Our Photo Winners

The beautiful winning photographs of the photo contest for youngsters run by ESRAmagazine, which were published in the July/August edition, encouraged much interest and comment from readers. The young contributors managed to freeze a moment in time, borrowing an image in nature or capturing a fleeting emotion by the touch of a button. The quality of each picture is admirable, and thought-provoking images were chosen for submission. 

Shenhav Tannenwald of Modiin at 14 years old captured an inverted reflection of Modiin in a wineglass of water, which she was able to interpret as the philosophy she has been guided by – to look for a different perspective in order to always see a glass half full rather than half empty. Her family, Mom, Dad and three daughters, came on aliyah from South Africa when Shenhav was 5 years old. Schooled in Modiin, she will be going into 9th grade in the new year. Her dream is to travel the world one day – and in her own words, she says she would like to eat her way through all her favorite destinations and take photographs capturing some of the world's finest landscapes. Enter your text here ...

 Our next two winners come from the same family. Adi Vatine sent in an interesting snap of the wide open right eye of a young child. Is it surprise, is it curiosity, is it intensity? The photograph is intriguing. Adi titled her entry I spy. Our youngest winner at nearly 10 years old, she enjoys playing with her girlfriends, laughing and having fun. She loves her dolls and is kept busy sewing clothes for them. She lives on Kibbutz Hannaton and goes to Mitarim School in Tivon. Her dreams for the future are wonderful and worth quoting: "When I grow up I'd like to be a: photographer, journalist, hairdresser, prime minister, author and that's it. Maybe a few more things too."

Good luck Adi - you may be able to do them all!

Rotem Vatine, Adi's older brother (12 years old), explains that the first thing he sees when opening their front door is the key rack on the wall, which he captured in his photo called Welcome Home. He has an ongoing interest in photography and enjoys taking pictures that grab his attention. Also a keen reader, particularly of mythological books, and a student of karate, he is an eager member of the Noam Youth Movement, and has much to look forward to in this coming academic year, as he will be barmitzvah on Succoth and is excited to be starting a new school for Junior High at Kfar Hasidim. You sure do have an exciting year ahead!

The interesting and cleverly focused snap of a bee exploring fruit blossoms was submitted by Wissam Milad Hallak, who was 18 years old when he took the picture. He lives in a little village in the Upper Galilee called Fassouta,and enjoys the opportunities that the interesting and beautiful countryside around him offers in abundance for fascinating photos. It seems the ESRAmagazine reaches the furthest regions of Israel. Wissam says he looks for unusual angles for his photographs that display the beauty within many of the images that appeal to him. He is the third child in a family of five siblings who love animals. They sadly lost a beloved dog recently but still have three cats and a blue iguana as pets. Wissam graduated from high school this year and is planning to work through the holidays, and to prepare for entrance exams to enter university when he decides what he wants to study. Good luck with your choice, Wissam.

The last prize winner is not unknown to readers of ESRAmagazine. Hila Leah de Paz had the honor of having her colorful drawing grace the cover page of the Rosh Hashanah edition of ESRAmagazine in 2014. And now at 14 years old and about to enter 5th grade, we recognize her artistic talent in the specially focused dew drops on the blossoms she captured with her camera for the photo competition.

It came as no surprise to learn that Hila has a special love for all the arts, ceramics, photography, drawing, crafts and especially music – going to the community center to both sing in the choir and to play her flute in the Kfar Yona orchestra, particularly enjoying the camaraderie of being amongst like-minded people. She enjoys swimming and sport too, and is most appreciative of all the opportunities that she has had growing up in her family of Mom, Dad, an older and a younger brother, and her beloved cat called Ginger, who is a favorite subject of her many photographs, both on her phone and on the camera she got on her thirteenth birthday. The world is her oyster and promises her much fulfillment with her wealth of hobbies and interests.

 What a pleasure it has been to learn a little more about our winners. The enthusiasm and positivity of each one of them is refreshing and full of hope. They are deserving of the prizes that will take them a little further on their road to even finer photographs, with gratitude and thanks to the generous sponsors.



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