ESRA Magazine
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First event of many in Netanya

Inaugural event ... having fun at the ESRA Netanya wine and cheese party, with entertainment from Larry and Mindy (below)

The new ESRA Netanya events committee held its first function on Sunday March 6 – a cheese and wine evening with wonderful entertainment provided by Larry and Mindy at Cafe Le'noar in Kiryat Nordau ... one of the areas where there is an ESRA project. Over 100 people were there, and everyone had a really enjoyable time eating and singing along to songs of the 50's, 60's and 70's. A few couples even managed to find room between the packed tables to get up and dance. We're delighted to say that both socially and financially this event was very successful and we are now working on and planning future ones, at which we look forward to seeing you all. 



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