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Fiction to Fact: Reality Bites

Write stuff ... author Ilya Meyer when he spoke in Modiin Below: the covers of the books in his Hart trilogy. Photos by Suzanne Naimer

In perfect and eloquent English, former journalist Ilya Meyer presented an interesting insight into the Sweden of today to a packed audience at ESRA Modiin. Born in India to parents of Iraqi descent who moved there from Shanghai, China, where they had resided during World War II, Ilya spent most of his formative years in India, England, Israel and Sweden.

Now dividing his time between Sweden and Israel, Ilya has written The Hart Trilogy - a series of three thrillers, Bridges Going Nowhere, The Threat Beneath, and From the Shadows - and is now working on his fourth novel.

His first book was completed in 2004 after Ilya's pro-Zionist, pro-Israel and pro-Democracy articles were no longer welcomed in the changing Sweden. Being banned by all other media sources, Ilya turned to writing as a way of getting his message across. Bridges Going Nowhere was only published in 2009 after Ilya spent many years searching for a publisher. He finally published it himself, as he has done with his subsequent novels, not having found a publisher willing to do so. The proceeds of his first book were donated to the Michael Levin Lone Soldiers Center. The late Michael had served in the same army unit as Ilya's son, and was killed in the Lebanon War. 

lya read a portion from one of the novels, enough to whet our appetites and be intrigued to learn more. The trilogy set - all political thrillers - takes the readers back and forth between the political heat of the Middle East, with Israel as an island of democracy, and Sweden, a growing hotbed of Islamism. He admitted that they were scarily prophetic of the situation in Sweden and the world today. Ilya's presentation pointed to a worrying picture of "The New Sweden" where Islamists, pro-Islamists and leftists are at the heart of the Swedish government. The people don't speak out for fear of retaliation while the consensus-driven society cannot bear the truth.

His fourth book is a prediction of the reality to come. All income from the sale of his books, benefits the Alyn Pediatric Rehabilitation Hospital in Jerusalem. The interest at ESRA Modiin was so great following his presentation that all the books Ilya had brought that evening were sold to an enthusiastic audience. The books are available on Amazon. 



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