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ESRA's Lev Hamifratz Branch

The Lev Hamifratz ESRA branch will be two years old this August. We have two major activities that are proving to be very successful: helping teach English to children in various schools, and befriending, where and when necessary.

The committee of Lev Hamifratz branch would like to thank all the volunteers from the Krayot and Haifa who have been helping teach English to students in the various schools this past year. Your kind help and devotion are greatly appreciated by ESRA, the teachers and the students. We sincerely hope you will continue volunteering for this service in the next school year. . If anyone else is interested in volunteering to help teach English in a school located in the area in which they live, please contact Stanley Canning by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We also want to thank all those who have volunteered to befriend others. It is so important to people who are lonely because they have no friends or family, or who are ill or handicapped and can't get out and about. It is such a warm feeling and so much appreciated by the people who receive the visits just to have someone come and sit with them once or twice a week for an hour, to have a cup of coffee with them or just to chat or watch television or even play cards with them. It is also such a mitzvah to help others in need. So, if there is anyone who has the time and is willing to go and visit someone in need in the town he or she lives in, please contact me, Marsha Ohayon by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In addition, if there is anyone who knows of someone who needs to be befriended, please contact me. We plan to extend our services to nursing and old aged homes within Haifa and the Krayot areas. So, volunteers are most welcome to join us in this rewarding activity.

The Lev Hamifratz branch has decided to change its name to ESRA Krayot. The reason for this change is to have the Krayot as a separate branch from the Haifa branch due to the fact that it is too difficult for people from Haifa to come to the Krayot and vice versa. Therefore, if anyone is interested in being the chairperson and forming a committee to run a Haifa branch, please either contact me or Jane Krivine at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Jane is the coordinator of ESRA's the northern branches.)

In the meantime, everyone on my present mailing list will continue receiving notices of activities, and everyone is invited to join us for any activity at any time.

The Krayot Branch committee have decided to have monthly meetings/gatherings on a regular basis. We will meet either at the Café Café located in the BIG shopping mall at the intersection of Kiryat Ata; or in a private home if there are volunteers who would be willing to have a meeting in their home. We would rotate each month to meet in a different place or home.

If anyone has a suggestion as to what activity they would like to have - bowling night, games night, weekend trip, day trip, party, book club, handicrafts, etc… and would like to take responsibility to run such an activity, please let me know.

We look forward to receiving your comments/responses/suggestions/offers of help and look forward to a better cooperation and participation from all.

Marsha Ohayon

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: 050 228 0755 



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