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End of year at Neve ESRA

Pictured are the teachers, social workers and municipal workers with and ESRA volunteers, together with ESRA Modiin Co-Chair Jackie Klein (back row, second from right), ESRA Modiin English Enrichment Coordinator Marsha Goldstein (front row right) and Deputy Mayor Ilan ben Saadon (front row, second from right) together with ESRA volunteers Kenny (Muki) Braun (back row second from left), Anita Bashary (bottom row third from right), and Suzanne Naimer (top row right). Story and photo by Suzanne Naimer


The end-of-year party in June at the Neve ESRA Afternoon Care Center for children at risk in Modiin was well attended. Students accompanied by parents and siblings listened intently as the numerous speakers praised the accomplishments of the Center over the past school year, emphasizing that the students could achieve anything that they put their minds to and that they should never to giveup on their dreams. Whilst also saying goodbye to the older studentswho were "graduating" from the Center, the focus of the evening was on the future of Neve ESRA and its young students.

As an end-of-year parting gift, ESRA handed out basketballs to all the students.

The professional, Ilan ben Saadon, and Modiin ESRA co-chair, Jackie Klein, together with our English Enrichment Coordinator, Marsha Goldstein. Unable to attend was Tina Barnett, Marsha's partner in the Enrichment program. Together they have added so much to the children's' lives. 



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