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And a new ESRA generation grows in Rishon

ESRA New Generation (ENG) started a few months ago when a young American-Israeli mother, Nomi Sharan-Gazit, approached Janet Kiesari, the chairperson of ESRA Rishon LeZion, asking for information about other English speaking parents in Rishon.

Janet suggested that Nomi expand the concept, and they agreed to work together on forming a younger branch of ESRA in Rishon. They set out to reach every English speaker in Rishon between the ages of 25 and 50. But none of these younger English speakers in Rishon with whom they were in contact knew of each other. As it turned out, they all thought they were the only ones!

Janet and Nomi obtained financial support from the Rishon Municipality and Nomi coordinated a program of activities, workshops, picnics and lectures for the ENG group that's been growing slowly but surely. Some meetings have been joint ESRA and ENG meetings, and some were specifically for the younger group. The English speakers of Rishon are no longer isolated, a community is slowly growing and it's bringing young blood into ESRA Rishon.

To be included on ENG's list or for more information, please contact Nomi Sharan-Gazit 050 735 3277: 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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