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A Party in Pink for the golden Zumba girls

It was with great trepidation that ten of us "golden" Zumba girls took to the stage one recent Saturday night at the Party in Pink Show on behalf of Breast Cancer Awareness.

We were all dressed in pink and started to wriggle, move, dance, whatever you would call it. They were mostly young lithe creatures who made my head spin watching them dancing to the beat of their instructors on the stage, showing those 1200 spectators that they had the 'moves' and were there to show them.

We climbed on to the stage five at a time and I watched anxiously as the first five girls from our class started their Zumba moves – "remember your steps" I kept telling myself - and then their turn was over and the other five of us were on stage with Stacey, our leader, giving it all that we could. What fun! 

All set to Zumba!

What music! It took me back to the '60s when rock-n-roll was "the beat" of the day. The next thing I knew was that our five minutes of glory were up and we were clambering down from the stage.

I was exhilarated by the whole experience as were the other girls in our group. We left feeling on top of the world - at least on top of the Zumba world.

With many thanks to our leader Stacey, who taught us everything we know about Zumba.

Zumba Gold Classes are held every Sunday morning at ESRA, Beit Fisher from 10:00 --11:00.

If you want to feel the music and feel alive - come and join us. 



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