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A new season, a new venue for lectures

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By Joan Weisman, Ros Ben Ezra, and Susan Lurie

The new season of lectures in Netanya has started in a new venue.

This year we are presenting our lectures in the Yona Apartments on Baruch Ram Street and we are extremely thankful to the management for giving us the hall for our lectures. We have a very attractive lecture hall with a lovely corner where people can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and socialize before and after the lectures.

Before the beginning of our new season we had a lot of work to do on our new hall. It had been a storeroom for furniture, paintings and other paraphernalia and had to be cleared out and cleaned. Then, curtains had to be hung to shut out the light from the windows into the hall. We couldn't have done this without the help of Ilan the handyman, who volunteered his time to both buy the rods and hang the curtains. If you need a handyman, we recommend him!

Our attendance includes our regular supporters and new ones, and people living in the Yona Apartments.

We feel sure our lectures will be just as exciting as they were last year. This year we will hear from Erela Keinan, Guy Baum, Eyal Offenbach, Ethan Melamed, Nitza Reich, Dr. Anat Guetta, Charles Green and Yori Yanover.

Being at Yona has a big plus: there is free parking in all the streets nearby!

Join us for stimulating lectures in a warm and friendly environment. 



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