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A look back at the second year of superb Netanya lectures

By Joan Weisman and Ros Ben Ezra

Here in Netanya we are completing our second year of lectures, and, once again, the lectures have been superb.

Erela Keinan carried on from last year with her amazing information about Hollywood, George and Ira Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein.

Guy Baum enthralled us with his infinite knowledge of ballet.

Eyal Offenbach gave us a fascinating insight into the Moslem brotherhood.

We also listened to Dr. Anat Gueta on Moses Montefiore and Yael Guri with her wonderful understanding of poetry.

Evan Fallenberg gave an interesting lecture about writing and translating.

Prof. Moshe Arens presented his new book about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

In all, it was an extremely informative and enjoyable year and … our numbers are growing.

Not to forget the venue. This year the lectures were held at the MINI-GAN Events and Convention Hall, 3 Shmuel Hanaziv Street, Netanya. The hall is run by the Banai family which has been kind enough to let us use it once a fortnight. On lecture days, one of the members of the family is always there to help us, to heat up the water for coffee, to set up the chairs or whatever we need.

Did we mention coffee? This year we have been able to offer our guests refreshments, something we could not do last year. It has made such a difference - people come early in order to have a cuppa before the lecture. And after the lecture, well, they have another one while chewing over what they have just heard.

Thanks to all our helpers too: Michael and Norma Altman, Henry Ben Ezra, Aviva Frydman, and Gill Heron. 



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