ESRA Magazine
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Jennia, aka locally as Ganit, introduced the Humor Page in the ESRA Magazine since 1997. She initiated Tolerance Education projects through ESRA in the Sharon area and served as Chairperson in 1997. After developing export markets for many Israeli manufacturers throughout her career, Jennia Ganit has specialized in career and studies coaching,...

Jennia, aka locally as Ganit, introduced the Humor Page in the ESRA Magazine since 1997. She initiated Tolerance Education projects through ESRA in the Sharon area and served as Chairperson in 1997. After developing export markets for many Israeli manufacturers throughout her career, Jennia Ganit has specialized in career and studies coaching, resulting in a slew of aspiring new doctors today. She also lectures and gives resonating communication workshops in Hebrew and English. Her computer and electronic engineer son innovates in hi-tech and her corporate IT director career daughter are among her proudest investments, creating great dividends of 2 amazing grandchildren to date. Her husband Dan is her true jackpot prize - and humor the spice of her life.



Laugh Out Loud - 208


Too Many Latkes!


An Accidental Messiah - A Book Review


Sahar: A Star is Born


Back to Work at Over 60


Now that’s magic